Healing Tea Party
In this web comedy series, Violet Alchemy explores her shadows after a traumatic series of events. Uninvited guests start showing up and it turns into a “party.” These guests are different aspects of the self – including depression, anxiety, ADHD, mental disorders, unresolved trauma, coping mechanisms, shadow parts of the personality, the ego and the higher self.
The goal of each episode is to get the uninvited guest to leave. It will be entertaining and factual information about mental health and how to recognize disorders and heal and regulate emotions. We learn how to heal together, by talking about uncomfortable things in a comfortable way.
Web Series
Imagine that you and I sit down to have a cup of tea and visit. I am not feeling great and not sure why. Uninvited guests start showing up and it turns into a “party.” These guests are different aspects of the self – including depression, anxiety, ADHD, mental disorders, unresolved trauma, coping mechanisms, shadow parts of the personality, the ego and the higher self.
The Setting
A cozy room with an inviting tea party set up.
Violet sits down, welcoming the viewer to their seat across from her.
On the left, is a glowing angelic purple haired Higher Self.
On the right, is a dimly lit and blank faced shadow self.
“I’m happy you could join us, we were just about to have some tea and talk about self development, mental health and emotional healing.”
– Violet
The Party
These characters are different versions of Violet’s psyche – like her Inner child, Angsty Teen, Higher Self, her unconscious Shadow Self, ADHD, Anxiety, OCD, Depression, mental health issues and coping mechanisms.
The humor comes in when these characters show up in a disguise – as an emotion or disorder that is trying to blend in and cause trouble. This offers an opportunity to teach adults mental and emotional awareness and regulation. Most of us are struggling because we were not taught about our emotions, nervous system or mental health.
Promo Video
The primary topics explored with a cozy and entertaining story line are: Healing and overcoming emotional pain and trauma, with a focus on childhood trauma. Mental Health and Emotional Intelligence Education – Through relatable humor about how messy it is being human. With the underlying message of encouragement and advice from experience on the mental and emotional healing journey. To teach people how to recognize, understand and heal mental disorders and unresolved trauma and emotional pain.